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If they made a movie about my life ...

If they made a movie about my life ..... I would want Mila Kunis from "Friends with Benefits" to play my part. We don't look alike, I have a kid and I'm about 20 years older than her but damn I love her. Silly, yet whimsical personality. Dizzy, fun, and crazy. I consider that my life could, in some way be like Friends with Benefits except it's totally the opposite and there is crazy, crazy sh**t going on in my life that is worth spewing somewhere. 

I am considering that all this drama likes to follow me around. I experience the strangest of situations, and I don't go looking for it. I had a random knocking on the door which lead to a full-on argument with a woman I have never met. Crazy, I promise. So, after much banter with friends and my amazing psychologist, who suggests I get a social worker on speed dial. I have decided I need to publish these events. The crazy, absurd, and most times entertaining things I am subject to.  

Let me get into a bit about myself - I am in the middle of a divorce that is taking nearly a decade to conclude due to a controlling husband who lives in another country with another woman, who is in fact his fiance, and they have had a new child. I work 2 jobs, sometimes 3, and my little guy and I are wading through the experiences we face in a complex. Yes, a complex, a compact living space with housing on top of each other where privacy is around but it's difficult to miss the crazy people in your immediate area [as much as I try, and trust me I do try].

I was diagnosed with GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, about 5 years ago at the age of 35, and I think that is what makes this journey and stories even more of a laugh. I am finding myself and it is all through these weird and wonderful and funny experiences that I discover who I am and how life isn't that scary [no no it is, absolutely that scary].

I have used a fake name for obvious reasons and I will change the names of those I speak about, cause I don't want them stalking me. No jokes, I just got rid of one, and I am not 100% sure she is gone. After getting my knickers in a twist, contemplating my paranoia with my psychologist, closing all my windows, curtains, and blinds, double locking my home doors [which is standard in south africa] but seriously, is my house bugged?

I am going to share with you my experiences, in hopes to give you a laugh while I destress. Why not share some love in the form of laughter for the chaos that is my life at present [and constantly ongoing, will it ever end? - don't answer that]. 

Follow me on the road of chaos and have a bit of fun. Let's delve into the daily life of my complex living, which is complex [let's be real]. I promise you are going to enjoy the details, it's a good laugh once the shock has worn off. You are going to ask yourself, are you serious this happened- you have to be kidding me? Yes, this is real - I can't make this stuff up.

Love, Lily Zemmer
